My name is Carlie Consemulder, founder of Freue Studio. I’m an artist born and raised in The Netherlands, based in Bayern, Germany.
Most of my work is contemporary figurative or abstract and I reflect on modern-day society. I love to create work about "the now" because I want to change the present and the future. I believe that we still can.
I most often use second hand clothing, items and materials in my work. Not only to make a statement but also to keep my carbon footprint as minimal as possible.
About my art
My work is inspired by shapes and colours and how they interact with each other. I use all sorts of non-toxic materials, but my main materials are aquarelle, gouache and homemade paint from food and minerals to dirt. My first series "Female ID" is out now and I'm currently working on my next series which is due summer 2020.​
About my photography
The main thread throughout my work is that I like to create or mould the worlds that I photograph from scratch. I like to create atmosphere through styling and light and I use static backgrounds for the models or objects to appear in.
For my photography see
For enquiries email